CAMAG - World Leader in Planar Chromatography
CAMAG > Chromatogram Evaluation > TLC-MS Interface 2
CAMAG TLC-MS Interface 2
The elution-based CAMAG TLC-MS Interface 2 is a highly convenient and versatile instrument allowing for rapid and contamination-free elution of TLC/HPTLC zones with online transfer to a mass spectrometer.
Key features
Rapid and contamination-free elution of selected zones
Online transfer to the mass spectrometer
Plug & play installation
Compatible with any LC-MS system
Confirmation of known substances within a minute
Highly effective backwashing function prevents the elution path from becoming blocked
Easy handling ensures accurate and reproducible plate positioning
Low solvent consumption
Through the pioneering concept of hyphenating high-performance thin-layer chromatography with mass spectrometry unequivocal substance identification is possible. The CAMAG TLC-MS Interface 2 can be installed plug & play with any LC-MS system without adjustments or mass spectrometer modifications.
Depending on the MS system, a substance can be identified within a minute via its mass spectrum, or for an unknown substance zone, the respective sum formula can be obtained. Furthermore, interesting zones can be eluted into vials for further investigations with, e.g., NMR, (ATR-)FTIR, ESI-MS, and MALDI-MS.
The chromatogram zones are eluted from the HPTLC plate with methanol or another suitable solvent with the flow speed appropriate for the LC-MS system. The round elution head is used for circular zones and the oval elution head for zones in the form of bands. After extraction the eluate is either transferred online to the mass spectrometer or collected in a sample vial for further offline analysis.
The CAMAG TLC-MS Interface 2 features a modified elution head and an easily accessible, exchangeable filter, arranged in front of the valve. Cleaning is facilitated as compared to the previous version, making it highly efficient. By pushing a button, the elution path is cleaned of matrix particles with compressed air, increasing the lifetime of the filter and preventing the system from becoming blocked. These filters can be easily replaced without any modification to the elution head.
Plate positioning is significantly simplified: together with the positioning scale and the adjustable plate-stopper, the integrated crosshair laser enables accurate and reproducible positioning of the plate. Alternatively the coordinates determined by the CAMAG TLC Visualizer or the CAMAG TLC Scanner can be used to precisely position the HPTLC plate.
Ordering Information, Accessories and Parts
CAMAG® TLC-MS Interface 2
including oval elution head 4 x 2 mm (mounted), for elution of substances from TLC/HPTLC layers, semi-automatic instrument involving automatic elution head movement, cleaning of the elution path with compressed air, manual positioning and switching, table size 275 x 425 x 275 mm (w*d*h)
CAMAG® TLC-MS Interface 2
including round elution head 4 mm (mounted), for elution of substances from TLC/HPTLC layers, semi-automatic instrument involving automatic elution head movement, cleaning of the elution path with compressed air, manual positioning and switching, table size 275 x 425 x 275 mm (w*d*h)
Elution head oval h = 0.25 mm for CAMAG® TLC-MS Interface 2
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