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CAMAG - World Leader in Planar Chromatography

CAMAG smartALERT Solvent Front Monitor

CAMAG smartALERT for dependable monitoring of TLC/HPTLC plate development in a glass development chamber.


The «classical» way of developing a chromatogram in TLC and HPTLC is to place the plate in a chamber containing developing solvent. Driven by capillary action the developing solvent moves up the layer until the desired developing distance is reached. With the aid of a stop watch or a timer the chromatographer estimates when the development process is about to finish.


But this may happen: Focusing on other work while the TLC development is in progress, the lab technician forgets to look at the watch. As a result chromatography is stopped too late; the solvent moved up too far, the analysis is ruined and needs to be repeated.

With smartALERT the chromatographer does not 'forget' the TLC plate in the developing chamber anymore:

  • The desired developing distance is set by the user.

  • A light beam and a sensor monitors the selected distance.

  • As soon as the front has reached this position, visual and acoustic signals alert the operator.


Key features

  • Guarantees that the developing distance will always be accurate and according to the method.

  • Gives acoustic and visual notice when the mobile phase has reached the desired developing distance.

  • Replaces the timer or the stop watch.

  • Lets you concentrate on other lab work.

  • Is an intelligent and dependable assistant; yet very easy to operate with just one button.

  • Works with tanks and for glass plates; sizes 20 x 20 cm, 20 x 10 cm, 10 x 10 cm.

  • Saves costs because the development is always 'done right'; no waste because of 'over-developed' plates.

  • Allows several developments with several smartALERTs at the same time; four different alarm sounds can be selected.

  • Runs on batteries: up to 1000 developments.

Ordering Information, Accessories and Parts


CAMAG® smartAlert solvent front monitor
(only suitable for glass plates)


Saturation pads, pack of 100 (20 x 20 cm)


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